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LILi: Lifelong Information Literacy 2022 Conference

2022 9th Annual LILi Conference Call for Proposals

LILi Conference 2022


Call for Proposals for the FREE 9th Annual Virtual LILi Conference 

Proposal Deadline: April 1, 2022

Notification of acceptance by: May 2, 2022

Conference Theme: Teaching and Learning: Introducing New Topics, Pivoting Online, and Starting from Scratch

When:  Friday, July 8, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM PDT

Where: Zoom

Proposal and presentation considerations

Lifelong Information Literacy (LILi) Group welcomes everyone interested in topics of lifelong information literacy to submit proposals for engaging and interactive presentations related to this year’s virtual conference theme, Teaching and Learning: Introducing New Topics, Pivoting Online, and Starting from Scratch. We are exploring approaches for creating, adapting, and reimagining instruction and services in an ever-changing landscape. After the uncertainty of the last two years, those working in libraries and K-12 schools have had to pivot to new modes of instruction multiple times, sometimes at the last minute. We have also been asked to take on new roles and to teach ourselves and our students about new disciplines, tools, and more. How can we continue to offer timely, crucial services in uncertain situations? And how can we balance library services with the understanding that our patrons and staff are facing unprecedented challenges, stressors, and more?

Submit proposals here by Friday, April 1, 2022.

About LILi

LILi (Lifelong Information Literacy) is a group of library workers, encompassing academic, public, school, and special libraries. Our organization seeks to investigate information literacy definitions, standards and instruction, in order to craft effective models of lifelong, sequential information literacy instruction. Universal access and inclusivity is important to the organization. For accommodations please contact us as soon as possible.

LILi website:

Possible presentation topics include:  

Introducing New Topics  (to your classrooms, library, campus/organization) 

  • Recognizing and incorporating Critical Librarianship within instruction
  • Educational technology and accessibility
  • Supporting Equity, Diversity and Inclusion through intentional instructional design
  • Trauma-informed teaching and services
  • Continuing education and self-education for library workers


  • Best practices for engaging online, hybrid, or hyflex instruction
  • Providing access to print and online materials during library closures
  • Addressing the digital divide
  • Community engagement, marketing, and outreach 

Starting from Scratch 

  • Creating or rebuilding instructional programs 
  • Redesigning programs for a new format
  • Developing support systems for library workers
  • Strategies for determining user needs during times of change  
  • Learning from each other: Transferring and exchanging ideas between types of libraries

We will be accepting proposals for lightning talks, presentations, and virtual poster sessions. Definitions of presentation formats are as follows:

Presentations (15 min presentation plus Q&A): Dynamic presentations that share experiments, works in progress, or sustained reflections and outcomes of more complete projects while engaging a range of participants and fostering connections and dialogue.

Lightning Talks (5 to 7-min lightning talk plus Q&A): Highly-focused presentations that succinctly introduce a topic, method, tool, project, or work-in-progress to catalyze ideas and foster follow-up discussions.

Posters (2 min presentation plus Q&A): Poster proposals present work on any relevant topic or offer project tools, and software demonstrations in any stage of development. Selected posters will be emailed to registered attendees one week before the conference. The hope is to allow for more discussion and questions during the interactive poster session.

All proposals must have a title, with an abstract of up to 300 words, including 3 main takeaways for the audience. Creative and engaging proposals that include interactive elements will be given priority. Please indicate your preferred format when filling out the proposal submission form. All proposals will be blind-reviewed by a group of LILi Advisory Board members.

We endeavor to support everyone who is interested in presenting, but ask that proposals not advertise or promote paid services or consultancy. LILi conferences are to be free, shared learning spaces for all. We especially encourage students and early-career folks to be part of our conference - do not hesitate to submit. We invite proposals from diverse voices, giving priority to people from marginalized communities during the submission process. We want anyone who is interested in this conference theme and the LILi mission to be part of our LILi community. 

All presenters, presentations, and related materials are asked to ensure:   

  • Accessibility - Presentations should be in an accessible format.
  • Conference format - As a virtual conference, presenters should keep in mind best practices for engaging remote attendees.
  • Community values - Presenters and attendees are asked to uphold our LILi Community Agreements Policy and Code of Conduct Policy

Submit proposals here by Friday, April 1, 2022. 

Previous conferences 

Learn more about previous conferences, presentations, and more by visiting:

For questions contact:

LILi Chair, Liz Cheney at or LILi Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Michael Habata at