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LILi: Lifelong Information Literacy 2021 Conference

Round table  Roundtable Breakouts

There are three roundtable breakouts room sessions from 10:15-11:45 am. Attendees will be prompted to select a breakout room. You can choose from


Breakout Room 1: Libraries are not a metaphor: Thoughts on desettling librarianship

Kael Moffat & John P. Hopkins, Saint Martin's University


Breakout Room 2: 'Accidental' Academic Librarians: How we learned what we didn't know shapes how we teach others

Natalee Reese & Lachelle Smith, Augusta University


Breakout Room 3: Going Back to the Source: Engaging Students with Primary Sources

Jamie Johnson, Nicole Shibata, & Liz Cheney, California State University, Northridge - University Library


Directions for Crowdsource notes for this session

Welcome to LILICon Breakout Discussions! Each session has collaborative notes that anyone can help edit. There are some loose guidelines to help facilitate roundtable notes. Use this notes space for shared (crowdsourced) note-taking. Feel free to write anything down that you found helpful or important in this notes space. Notes will be shared with the community and will help those who missed LILiCon.  



  • Remember to follow our community agreement for engagement
  • Keep it brief! No need to write everything down.
  • Please don’t delete other people’s notes.
  • Feel free to comment or respond to other people’s notes.