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LILi: Lifelong Information Literacy 2024 Conference


What are the submission requirements?

Proposals must contain:

Abstract (up to 300 words)
1-3 Audience Learning Objectives/Takeaways
Agreement that sessions will be recorded and publicly posted online following the conference.

Who can submit a proposal?

Each proposal can have up to four presenters. Everyone who works with information literacy, no matter how big or small, is welcome to submit a proposal! We especially encourage students and early-career folks to be part of our conference. We invite proposals from diverse voices, giving priority to people from marginalized communities during the submission process.


Where can I learn more about writing proposals?

Check out this list of resources from Loyola Marymount University on writing proposals and objections!


What are the session formats?

All presentations, lightning talks, and Q&A sessions will be via Zoom and will be recorded, to be posted publicly following the conference.

Presentations (15-20 min presentation plus Q&A): Dynamic presentations that share experiments, works in progress, or sustained reflections and outcomes of more complete projects while engaging a range of participants and fostering connections and dialogue.

Lightning Talks (5-7 min lightning talk plus Q&A): Highly-focused presentations that succinctly introduce a topic, method, tool, project, or work-in-progress to catalyze ideas and foster follow-up discussions.

Posters: Poster proposals present work on any relevant information literacy-related topic or offer project tools, and software demonstrations in any stage of development. Accepted posters will be posted a week in advance with the opportunity to post a brief (up to 5 minutes) video regarding the poster. The conference will include Q&A time for posters.


What are the presentation requirements?

All presenters, presentations, and related materials are asked to ensure:   

Accessibility: Presentations should be in an accessible format.
Community values: Presenters agree to uphold our LILi Community Agreements Policy and Code of Conduct Policy.

What are the important dates?

Proposal Deadline: March 29, 2024  April 8, 2024
Decision Made By: May 24, 2024
Presenters confirm by: By May 31, 2024
Preliminary schedule posted: June 2024
Registration opens: June 2024


Will sessions be recorded?

All sessions will be made available on our website and YouTube channel after the conference.


What presentations have been accepted at past conferences?

Learn more about previous conferences and presentations, visit:


Where can I learn more about LILi?

LILi (Lifelong Information Literacy) is a group of library workers, encompassing academic, public, school, and special libraries. Our organization seeks to investigate information literacy definitions, standards and instruction, in order to craft effective models of lifelong, sequential information literacy instruction. We want anyone who is interested in this conference theme and the LILi mission to be part of our LILi community. Learn more at

You can also join LILI for free at!