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Show & Tell

Show & Tell is our online instruction series

Stephanie Garrett - Creating "Place" in the Online-Only Library to Help Improve Strategic Exploration

Creating "Place" in the Online-Only Library to Help Improve Strategic Exploration
Stephanie Garrett
Director of Library & Learning Services | Director de la Biblioteca y Servicios de Aprendizaje
Faculty Advisor to Student Life | Consejera de la Facultad para la Vida Estudiantil
Catholic International University

As a 100% online university, the Catholic International University Library continues to seek new ways to engage students and showcase the quality of the sources found in the library over the popular sources students can find through a Google search. Since all classes are asynchronous and taught in accelerated 8 week terms the ability to reach classes through one-shot info-lit session is very difficult. In 2024, the library began using LibGuides to produce Course Guides filled with highly-visual content, i.e. book and journal covers, organized by source type. These guides are embedded in the LMS along with with "How to Videos" for searching databases. The use of these guides has resulted in a 154% average monthly increase in the use of scholarly sources from the library, with only one-third of our course offerings having Course Guides to date.
During the session, Stephanie Garrett will explain the Whys and Hows of the formatting of these guides and their impact on Information Literacy throughout the university.

Watch the recording here (available by February 14, 2025)
